New Rankings Page

In 2019, Upper Arlington Schools were ranked 67th in the Ohio Performance Index.  UAEC has new spreadsheets comparing UA to other Districts around the State.  Click on the page Rankings by State of Ohio under the UA Rankings tab above for detailed information.

Did you know the Gifted Program in UA is ranked  156th?  Gifted Ranking

Did you know that Wickliffe is ranked 1,771 (out of 3,316) in elementary schools in the state?  Windermere is 22nd.  Building Rankings

Compare Expenditures by District as it relates to rankings.

Check out other Top District Comparisons



UAHS Rankings – Falling numbers

The US News and World Report  has posted their high school rankings for Ohio.  UAHS had dropped to 36th.

Previous rankings from US News and World Report:   #14 – 2019   #27 – 2020

To look at UA’s rankings from the State and other organizations, please check out the menu link above:  UA Rankings

As the rankings have plummeted, the Strategic Plan of the UA School District has moved from an Academic focus to a  Well-Being, Social and Emotional Learning and DEI.  Click here to see the 2015-2018 & 2019-2024 Strategic Plans and the UA Quality Profile Comparisons.

The State of Ohio Performance Index Ranking:  UA Schools dropped from  26 in 2015 to  65th – 2018.


PETITION for Common Sense Bathrooms

Please support a CHOICE for the bathrooms!  Sign the Petition.

Petition for Choice

735 Signatures – Thank you!

For Kids. For Inclusion. For Common Sense.


School Board Suing the City Again?

Is the School District planning to sue the City again over the Bathrooms?

The City Building Dept. sent the School District a UA City Inspection Notice with the list of items to be corrected for all the new schools.  Each school must “Install signage to approved plans.”  The approved plans include Common Sense bathrooms where all children have a choice.  (See the letter “UA City Inspection Notice to Schools”  to the left under Restroom Court Cases for the details.)

The District responded through their Architect and have updated the Plans to make bathrooms in the Academic Wings ONLY Gender Neutral.  In this letter, the District is now using Title IX, a Federal Law to defend the change.  Read the letter here:  Architect Response Letter

Is the District going to now sue the City in Federal Court?  Check out this page School Board Suing City Again on the menu above  for more details. Or click this link:  Another lawsuit against the City?

The questions are:  Did the School Board discuss this in a Public meeting?  How much more money is the District planning to spend?


Superintendent Imhoff and the AASA

Check out our new Page on the menu above: AASA

Superintendent Imhoff is the current President-Elect 2020-21 of The School Superintendents Association (AASA).

There are articles and videos of Imhoff on their website, and these links are provided on the AASA page.

Please watch Leader to Leader: Promoting Equity and Inclusion to see how Imhoff describes Upper Arlington to a national audience.   His ten minute talk starts at minute 21:00. Is this an accurate portrayal of Upper Arlington?

These articles and videos give the Community a glimpse into the current leadership of the School District.


CHOICE for Common Sense Restrooms

The UA School District decided to try and change the Ohio Building Code and install ONLY Gender Neutral Bathrooms in new and renovated schools.

In the menu above, click on the Restrooms Information tab for all the details.

As a group we advocate giving all of our children a CHOICE.  They should be able to choose a Gender Neutral Bathroom, a Boy Bathroom or a Girl Bathroom.  Adults should not be choosing where a child goes to the restroom!

We expect the School Board and the Superintendent to spend money on educating our children.  We expect transparency and integrity.


For Kids. For Inclusion. For Common Sense.


Learn why the 5 Day Lawsuit still being pursued

The UAEC advocates for children to have the option to be in school 5 days a week. The District offers the Online Academy for those families needing their children to stay at home.

Did you know the UA School Board’s main argument in the Case was that the Ohio Constitution does not create a fundamental right to a basic minimum education?  A judge agreed.  The families are appealing the decision because they believe Ohio do have a fundamental right to an education.

To learn more about the Court Case, please click on this page: 5 Days a Week Court Case




Welcome to Upper Arlington Education Coalition!

We are new group created to help the Community connect with the Upper Arlington School District!  Our slogan “Advocating Educational Excellence” sums up the reason we started the group.

We want to be informed about what is going on in the UA Schools, and we want to Advocate for the students.  We will have information about current issues impacting the schools.  In addition, you are welcome to ask questions, and we will direct you where to find your answers.  On our website you will find many links to the District and other organizations that impact education.

Let us know if you have questions or suggestions!