UPDATE May 17,2021: The City Building Department has finally told the School District they must adhere to Ohio Building Code in order to get a Final Occupancy Permit. Read the letter to each school. In addition, the Moody Nolan response is included. The School Board MUST follow the law. Check the Correction Notices on the left side of this page.
The City of UA refuses to enforce the Building Code! Each school is in violation of the Ohio Building Code. Please click on this link to get contact information and send your opinion: City Manager
The Building Department has written many Conditional Approval forms about the new buildings requiring the District to install signage as required by code. Unfortunately, the schools have not complied.
When the Franklin County Court of Common Please ruled that the District could install Gender Neutral bathrooms in WINDERMERE, the School District wanted to “translate” this ruling to all the buildings. So they labeled them Gender Neutral.
The City Building Dept. wrote that Code changes to one Building CANNOT be translated to another Building. (If you got a variance on your house, your neighbor cannot apply it to their house!)
However, the City of UA is NOT enforcing the Building Code. They state that it is because of the Court case. Yet, the Court case is about Windermere. Windermere is not even open yet to students.
Demand answers:
Darren Shulman – City Attorney: dshulman@uaoh.net
Steve Schoeny – City Manager: sschoeny@uaoh.net
Brendan King – President of City Council: bking@uaoh.net
Ask your City officials why the are NOT enforcing the Building Code! Our children are in buildings that violate Ohio Building Code.
City of UA website: https://upperarlingtonoh.gov